A Richard Gere film based on a true story of an abandoned dog called Hachi. Hachi's dedication and soulful, selfless, immortal love for his master and Hachi in waiting for next 9 years till his own death for his already dead master is awesome and moves even the toughest heart, I am sure. This is one movie in my lifetime that I cannot watch again because it was most difficult for me to watch Hachi's loneliness and yet his never ending love and wait for his master. I actually cried and felt difficult in breathing and I was happy crying because it made me more humane, sensitive and understanding.
It told me much about life that it's not about being with people for materialistic reasons but it's about being and waiting for our loved ones for no reason even if they are not coming back because if we love and care for someone we should be true to our own hearts. I am sure I am going to be more like Hachi and wait for my own people even if they abandon me or leave me. Its a film that changed my life, my thinking and I can say it made me man of big heart, a heart that holds love care for animals. I have a german shepherd Diego whose paws I took in my hand and promised him..I am going to walk with him till the end and beyond and nothing in this world will take me away from him as I know they feel, they search us too when we are lost.. movie is an eye opener, enlightening but reality is same too..