Friday, November 26, 2010

OBAMA in India, Michelle shines..

An excellent orator, a perfect charmer who truly came , saw and conquered. I watched his every detail whether it was his intelligent friendly interaction with students in Mumbai or his down to earth persona at Raj ghat . His respect for Mahatma Gandhi, acknowledging India's power and its place in United Nations, his praise of Indian culture and "Jai Hind" in Parliament touched every Indian heart and sentiments. After all his so much larger than life image of being US President, I felt I was more impressed and took notice of someone else's presence around him so strongly. it was Michelle Obama, his wife whose sensible, down-to-earth attributes made her shine more than Obama. Even on television I felt as if she was someone amongst us, I felt so connected when she merged so beautifully with common people. I myself got lot to learn about being more sensible and down-to-earth and will truly make efforts to be a good orator and more friendly in my interactions with others.

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